- 09/20/2024
Tsukimi Event Begins!
Limited-Edition Recipes & Boss Battle Are Available Too!
The cross-platform MMORPG “Toram Online” announces the arrival of the Tsukimi Event, an event held in honor of the Japanese tradition of Moon Viewing in September. This time, a whole new quest, “Hop Hop Rabbit Fighting Hard for Love,” is now available, as well. Players can join the event to obtain limited-edition equipment with rabbit and moon motifs reminiscent of the full moon.
In addition, the Silver Week Event and the Taste of Autumn Event are on-going at the same time.
■New Quest “Hop Hop Rabbit Fighting Hard for Love” at the Tsukimi Event!
In the new quest “Hop Hop Rabbit Fighting Hard for Love,” you can obtain limited equipment “Mochi Pounder Rabbit” and “Dango Hat,” which are perfect for Moon Viewing. In addition, by destroying certain parts of the boss “Fubbit” in the new quest and above a certain difficulty level, you can acquire the “Uraluna Pose” emotion ticket, which allows you to learn a new emotion.
▼ New Quest: Hop Hop Rabbit Fighting Hard for Love
▼ New Boss: Fubbit
▼ New Equipment
- 〇 New Boss Drops
- ・Moon Mochi Rabbit (Magic Device)
- ・Tsukikage-Sakuya (Katana)
- 〇 New Drops
- ・Moonlight Dagger (Dagger)
- ・Moonlight Arrow (Arrow)
- ・Rabbit Mitarashi Dango (Additional Equipment)
- 〇 New Recipes
- ・Fluffy Rabbit Garb (Body Armor)
- ・Mochi Pounder Rabbit (Additional Equipment)
- ・Dango Hat (Skewer) (Additional Equipment)
- ・Fluffy Rabbit Hood (Additional Equipment)
- *The following Emotion Tickets can be produced with recipes at the Synthesist.
- ・Usamimi Dance (Emotion)
- ・Bunny Jump (Emotion)
▼ Exclusive Equipment
Item | Effect |
Otsukimi Dango | Restores 3000 HP. |
Event Period: 10/10/2024 (Thur) until maintenance
*Recipes will be available until maintenance on 10/17/2024.
■Hunt “Silver Coryn” and Get Equipment Dyes!
During the campaign period, Silver Coryns will appear in Rakau Plains, Yorl Highlands, Darkanon Plain, Wanderers’ Plains, Tolbas Grassland and other mystery areas. Players can defeat them to get special “Body Armor” or “Additional Gear” that can be used to dye your equipment through synthesis.
Event Period: Until 9/26/2024 (Thur) at maintenance
■The Taste of Autumn Event!!
As of September 12, 2024, the autumn limited monsters “Persimmon Coryn” and boss “Aubergine Dragon Auvio” are back! By fighting them, you can get autumn items and “Fallen in Fall”, which is the material to create special fall-themed buff items.
Furthermore, you can also get “Special Teleport Items” and “Body Armors” in autumn colors, so go hunt “Persimmon Coryns”!
▲The limited-time only monster “Persimmon Coryn”!
The event also features limited-time only equipment and buffs for crafting at the Blacksmith and Synthesist.
- ▼ Limited-Time Only Equipment
- ・Pacific Saury (Katana)
- ・Persimmon Coryn Helmet (Additional Equipment)
- ・Sweet Potato Hammer (Two-Handed Sword)
- ・Autumn Leaf Wings (Magic Device)
- ・Chestnut Knuckles (Knuckle)
- ・Steal Leaf Knife (Dagger)
- ・Lovely Autumn Arrow (Arrow)
▼ Limited-Time Only Buff Items

Event Period: Until 10/10/2024 (Thur) at maintenance
*Recipes will be available until maintenance on 10/17/2024.
■Get Items for Your Adventure at the Taste of Autumn Event!
During the Taste of Autumn Event, Daily Emblems are available for a limited time. Depending on your logging into the game, your playing time, and the number of Persimmon Coryn you defeat, you will receive useful items for your adventure, such as Revive Droplets (for recovering all HP and MP when defeated in battle), and more.

Event Period: Until 10/10/2024 (Thur) at maintenance
■About the Game
“Toram Online” is a classic MMORPG that allows players immense freedom in elements such as character creation, equipment customization, skill acquisition, and more. By discarding the traditional RPG concept of “classes”, players can grow and evolve their characters however they like while searching for hidden secrets in a mysterious world once torn apart by catastrophe and reformed. Experience the rush of intense battle in real time with people from all over the world.
■App Download URL
- (Smartphone ver.)
- GooglePlay:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asobimo.toramonline
- AppStore:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rpg-toram-online/id988683886
- (PC ver.)
- Steam:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1827180/
- Windows:https://en.toram.jp/
■Game Summary
- Title: Toram Online
- Genre: MMORPG
- Price: Free to Play
- Supported OS: iOS/Android/PC
- Official Website: https://en.toram.jp (PC and Smartphone)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/toram_pr
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/toram.jp
- Official Blog: https://blog.toram.jp/
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